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Friday Fun! (Happy 2010!)

Sorry for the hiatus last week, guys.  I was recovering from my New Year’s Eve fun.  For New Year’s Eve I acquired First Night buttons so I could go see the Kaiju Big Battel (sic) taking place in Boston.  (Side-note: I cannot for the life of me understand why it’s called First Night and not Last Night.  It’s the last night of 2009, not the first night of 2010! Ideas?!)  I happened to catch some crazy Middle Eastern dancing that was occurring on a stage nearby while I was waiting.  I have no idea what kind of dancing it was.  It wasn’t bellydancing, and they hopped around waving their arms and fake swords a lot.  Anyway, so Kaiju Big Battel is essentially WWE only the wrestlers are wearing monster costumes ala Godzilla and the stage has miniature buildings set up that they also smash.  Two of my favorite characters of the night were Plantain and Dusto Bunny.  Dusto Bunny was actually dusty! (Sorry I have no pictures of Kaiju to show you.  I have yet to upload them from my camera).  Anyway, then I met up with friends in the Common to see the ice sculptures and rang in the new decade on the Esplanade.  It was definitely a fun night!

This week has been busy busy busy at work.  They’re renovating my library (again).  Currently all of us are crammed in one room while they work on the rest of it, but the exciting part, you guys, is I’m going to go from having a cubicle to an almost office!  It’s pretty much an office minus a door, but I’ll have a divider up in lieu of a door.  Plus they’re building me bookshelves, and I’m getting a brand new wood desk!  I’m excited to move into my new office.  It’s going to make me feel much more part of the team, since currently I’m the only one without an office.

In cooking this week, I tried out making gnocchi from scratch for the first time using sweet potatoes.  It’s pretty simple, actually.  You just cook the potatoes, pass them through a sieve, then combine it with spices, egg, and flour.  The tricky part, I discovered, is adding just the right amount of flour.  The consensus upon eating it was that it was neither good nor bad.  A bit too floury.  However, on reheating the leftovers, it went to good.  I’m thinking maybe I just didn’t cook them long enough?  I’ll definitely try it again.  I think it’s one of those recipes you improve with over time.  Kind of like pizza dough.

Oh, also, I’m all caught up in Lost now, so I’m totally ready for the new season. Bring. It. On!

Have a great weekend everyone!

  1. jpetroroy
    January 8, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    Didn’t you just BAWL at the end of Lost?

    • January 8, 2010 at 3:13 pm

      Actually, a point of debate last night was me saying I totally knew that the half of the storyline with Jack was going to happen the way it did and screaming that they should have killed the woman I told you on the twitter I don’t like at all. 😉

      I am excited about the Jacob/John Locke storyline, though! Like, wicked!

  2. January 10, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    This reminds me of the time we attempted to make Sweet Potato Gnocchi from scratch. Our conclusion was: never, never try this again. There was much hilarity and trying to find something else to eat for dinner. So if you only came out with so-so results, I want to know your secret!

    • January 11, 2010 at 11:14 am

      Hehe, let me know if you’d like me to fb you the recipe!
      After talking to my dad, he offered me some gnocchi-making tips, including to add some flour then stick it in the fridge for a while. Apparently this makes it more doughy without needing so much flour and lets the flavor “seep throughout.”

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